Is It Possible To Be Addicted To Male To Male Massage?

Male-to-male massage in London is incredibly popular, but is it really possible to become addicted to it? We are all guilty of exaggerating at times and saying that we’re addicted to something, Whether it be eating chocolate or browsing Instagram, but serious addiction can be incredibly challenging and can be very hard to overcome.

Is body-to-body massage a form of sex addiction?

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on sex addiction. Tiger Woods made headlines back in 2010 with his issues, and estimates suggest that around 5% of the population have some form of sexual addiction.

Sexual addiction does not have to solely mean sex. It can relate to anything, from downloading pornography to having a sensual massage. If someone is finding that they are unable to focus on anything other than that particular action, and it is having a negative impact on their life, then they may be experiencing some form of addiction.

So can you be addicted to male to male massage in London?

While the idea of addiction to male massage is certainly plausible, it is not something that I have personally encountered. Asking around, it is not something that other masseurs have experienced either.

While regular clients are very common, these are often no more than once a month. However, if you are worried that you might be addicted, then ask yourself:

  1. Are you finding you are visiting male-to-male massage therapists more frequently?
  2. Are you unable to stop going?
  3. Has it negatively impacted your life? (such as losing your job or experiencing a breakdown of relationships)

If your answer to these is yes, then you should take it seriously and seek professional help.

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